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Wanda Brunel

Visiting Instructors

Spring 2025 Student Hours

Mondays and Wednesdays 11-12am.

Bonjour, enchantée ! 😊

My name is Wanda and I’m a lecturer at the French Department of UVA. I’m from Lyon and there I study English Literature, Civilisation and Linguistics. As I am a big fan of films and of 19th century literature, my master’s thesis is about “Voices in Hardy’s and Vintenberg’s Far from the Madding Crowd through the prism of the marriage plot”. Not only do I study English, but I also speak Portuguese and learn Japanese on the side. My passion for languages can be explained by my origins but also by my love for travelling that my parents transmitted to me!

Aside from my academical profile, I love drawing more than anything. I draw in class (oops), during my free time and when I want to procrastinate. Sometimes, I also like to crochet while watching a film or a series. My taste in literature and cinema is extremely specific (period romance stories), even though most of the time I try (and like) to go out of my comfort zone.

If I have to buy something like a mug or a new decoration for my room, I always try to go for something cute with small animals or characters on it (this may explain my collection of plushies in my bedroom). You may during the year notice that I have a slight obsession for lilac...

I hope you have a nice year here at UVA!