Kandioura Dramé
Associate Professor Emeritus
- Bachelor of Arts (BA), Universite Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
- Master of Arts (MA), University of California System : Los Angeles
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of California System : Los Angele
Francophone African literature; African cinema, oral traditions, and contemporary African music and arts.
Representative Publications
"The Dance of the Philosopher" ALA Bulletin, Spring 2001.
"Le Mvet dans l'oeuvre de Mongo Beti, Critical Perspectives on Mongo Beti," 1998.
La bataille de Manda in Les Épopées d'Afrique noire, Collection UNESCO, 1997.
"The Trickster as Triptych," Monsters, Tricksters, and Sacred Cows: Animal Tales and American Identities, 1996.
Representative Courses
- Introduction to African Literature
- Pioneers of Francophone African Literature
- Africa in Cinema
- Oral Traditions of Senegambia
- African Literatures and Cultures