- About Us
- People
- Why Study French?
- What Can You Do With a French Major?
- Elementary and Intermediate Courses (FREN 1010- FREN 2320)
- UVA French Placement Diagnostic
- Course Placement
- Majoring and Minoring in French
- Tutoring
- Writing, Honor, and Community: A Guide for Compositions in French
- Student Governance
- Career information for French majors
- Maison Française
- Courses
- French Summer Language Institute
- Graduate
- Study Abroad and Internships
Support Us
Your tax-deductible contribution to the French Department is an appreciated pledge of support to our program. As state funding continues to diminish, private funds become ever more crucial to keeping our department among the very best to engage students and accomplished scholars in the language, literature, film, and culture of the French-speaking world.
What Your Gift Can Do
Your generous support for the Department of French reaches across the spectrum of our financial needs and ensures that students continue to have a lively and full experience of French-speaking culture, both socially and academically.
Intellectual & Cultural Exchange: Seminar Room, Theater, Dinner Table
Your support brings outstanding writers, filmmakers, musicians and scholars to the University to participate in enriching programming, sustaining connective experiences for students and faculty beyond the classroom and keeping the department up-to-date on contemporary issues in French-speaking culture – from politics to poetry. Donors are also largely to thank for the relevant programming and general upkeep at the Maison Fançaise.
In addition to bringing great things to Grounds, donor dollars also make travel scholarships possible for undergraduate and graduate students who wish to pursue their studies abroad.
How to Give
The University of Virginia Department of French offers two ways to give. Regardless of which fund you choose to support, your donation will make an impact on the department.
The French Department Fund
Gifts to this fund are used right away to respond to the programs and projects that are most important to the department at the time the gift is made. These gifts give the department valuable flexibility in responding to unexpected needs or opportunities.
You can give to the Department Fund now through this secure site.
The Robert T. Denommé Fund
Gifts to this fund help build an endowment for the benefit of the U.Va. French Department. Established to recognize and honor an outstanding teacher and scholar of French literature, Emeritus Professor Robert T. Denommé, a portion of the endowment's income can be spent on department needs each year once the principal reaches $50,000. Gifts to this fund ensure a long-term income stream for the department.
You can give to the Denommé Fund now through this secure site.