Andrew Rivard Hill
Office Hours:
Ph.D. (ABD), Department of French, University of Virginia
Dissertation Title: “Rethinking the Contents in Books of Hours: Three French Books of Hours in U.S. Collections"
Dissertation Advisor: Professor Amy V. Ogden
M.A., Department of French & Italian, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2013)
B.A., Department of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2006)
Teaching Experience
University of Virginia, Assistant Course Coordinator (Spring 2022, Fall 2022)
University of Virginia, French Language Instructor (2017-23)
Sorbonne Nouvelle, University of Paris 3, English Language Lecturer (2012-14)
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, French Language Teaching Assistant (2011-12)
Lycée Val de Durance (French High School, 2008-09)
Lycée Claude Monet (French Hight School, 2006-07 )
Courses Taught
French 2020, University of Virginia
French 1050, University of Virginia
French 2010, University of Virginia
French 1020, University of Virginia
French 1010, University of Virginia
Pedagogical Training
Contemplative Institute for Teaching and Learning, Contemplative Sciences Center (Summer 2021)
Training & Professional Development
NHC Graduate Student Podcasting Institute, San Diego State University (January 2022)
PhD Plus Internship, Contemplative Sciences Center, Editorial Assistant (2021- 22)
University of Wisconsin Press, Marketing/Editorial Assistant (2004-06)
“Women, Books, and Pregnancy in Medieval France.” Multicultural Middle Ages Podcast. Graduate Student Committee of the Medieval Academy of America. Andrew Rivard Hill (forthcoming February 2023)
“Hear and Tell : Pregnancy and Medical Authority.” The Humanities in Class Digital Library. Co-authors Jason Michálek, Nicole Ackman, Jennifer Saunders, Andrew Rivard Hill. National Humanities Center and Digital Humanities Center at San Diego State University. February 4, 2022.
Selected English translations published in Toad Suck Review (2012, 2013) from Louis-Ferdinand Céline’s Lettres de prison à Lucette Destouches & à Maître Mikkelsen (1945-1947) and Act One from Jean Genet’s Le Bagne.
Grants and Fellowships
Dean’s Dissertation Completion Fellowship, University of Virginia (2021-22)
Dartmouth Summer Institute of French Cultural Studies (2019)
Society of Fellows, University of Virginia, Summer Research Grant (2018)
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) Summer Research Fellowship (2018)
Rare Book School-University of Virginia Fellowship (2017, 2018)
Battestin Fellowship, Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia (Summer 2017)
Travel Grant, Department of French, University of Virginia (Spring 2017, Spring 2019)
Andrew W. Mellon Doctoral Recruitment Fellowship, University of Virginia (2016-21)
Graduate Student Research Travel Grant, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2013)
Renaissance Studies Consortium Grant, Newberry Library (2012, 2013)
Chancellor’s Graduate Student Award, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2011-12)
Campus Talks
Guest Lecturer, Special Collections Visit, 2024
Guest Lecturer, Special Collections Visit, 2022
Invited Participant, Annual Meeting of the Bibliographical Society of UVA/Virginia
Festival of the Book, Charlottesville (cancelled due to pandemic, 2020)
Medieval Studies Colloquium (2018)
Panel, English Department, Invited Participant to discuss interdisciplinarity (2017)
Service to Profession
University of Virginia French Film Festival Committee, Chair (2020)
PhD Representative, University of Virginia (2018-19)
University of Virginia French Film Festival Committee, Organizer (2017)
Conference activity
“Praying in French: Toward a Shared Culture of Reading in Three Medieval Books from U. S. Collections” (Presenter, 2022, 57th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, on-line)
“The Many Uses of Hagiography” (Presider, 2022, 97th Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America, Charlottesville)
“Towards a Global Understanding: Medieval Prayer in Manuscript Contexts” (Organizer/Presider of panel, 2021, 56th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo)
"The Manuscript Context of Hagiography: A Visual Historiography" (Presenter, 2019, 54th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo)
“Reading a Compassionate Sequence in a French Book of Hours: Charlottesville MS 382” (Presenter, 2019 UVA Department of English Graduate Conference “Attachment and Affect.”)
“Mapping Sainthood: the Vie de Saint Gilles as a Pedagogical Manual” (Presenter, 2017 Medieval Colloquium in Sewanee, University of the South)
“Literate Acts of Remembrance: the Orality of Troubadour Culture” (Presenter, 2013 Multidisciplinary Graduate Student Conference, Newberry Library)
Medieval Academy of America ; Medieval Studies Colloquium and Society of Fellows, UVA