Christopher Ice
Office Address
341 New Cabell Hall
Spring 2025 Student Hours
Mondays and Wednesdays 12:00 - 1:00pm and by appointment
Bachelor of Music (BM), Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne
Bachelor of Arts (BA), Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne
Master of Arts (MA), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Master of Arts (MA), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Contemporary French comedians of immigrant background; French and Francophone Cultural and Media Studies; Humor Studies; Francophone studies; Maghrebi Studies; Mediterranean Studies; Québec Studies; Literature and cinema of immigration in French and Italian
Refereed Articles
“Un Algérien bien difficile à digérer: comment rire de l’intégration dans Djurdjurassique Bled de Fellag,” Nouvelles Études Francophones 32.2 (Automne 2017): 144-154.
“Unveiling Stereotypes: Franco-Maghrebi Comediennes and the Islamic Headscarf on Stage.” Women in French Studies. Forthcoming (2024).
Book Reviews
“Valérie K. Orlando. The Algerian New Novel: The Poetics of a Modern Nation, 1950-1979. U of Virginia P, 2017.,” Contemporary French Civilization 44.2_3 (July 2019): 279-281.
"Kathryn A. Kleppinger. Branding the 'Beur' Author: Minority Writing and the Media in France, 1983-2013. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2015.," Studies in 20th & 21st Century Literature 42.2 (2018): Article 27. https://doi.org/10.4148/2334-4415.2020.