Pierce Lockett
Pierce Lockett
Pierce is second-year doctoral student in the Department of French. His research interests concern contemporary French and Francophone fiction and cinema, urban studies, and affect theory, with secondary interests in postcolonial studies and the digital humanities. In particular, his research aims to investigate the ways that contemporary literary and filmic texts draw attention to the spatial, aesthetic, and political dilemmas that negative affective states (boredom, disgust, ennui, etc.) bring to bear on cities and cultural texts alike.
Prior to UVa, Pierce served as the Assistant Director of the Writing Center at Muhlenberg College. He is currently a lecteur at l’Université de Paris-Est Créteil (l’UPEC) for the 2024-2025 academic year.
BA, summa cum laude, English and French & Francophone Studies, Muhlenberg College (2019)
MA, French, University of Virginia (2023)
Courses Taught :
FREN 1020 (Fall 2023/Spring 2023), FREN 2016 (Summer 2024)
Conference Presentations
“Free From the Stacks: Formal Independence in Aurélien Bellanger’s Le Vingtième siècle”. 20th and 21st Century French & Francophone Studies International Colloquium, February 22-24, 2024