The Undergraduate Advisory Council serves as a liaison between the Director of the Undergraduate Program and students enrolled in French courses. Appointed by the DUP in late spring, the 3-4 Council members may choose to serve for 1 or 2 academic years, beginning in fall. In 2015, the Council created 'Friends of French Newsletter', a news and events round-up published by and for students in French every other week during the academic year.
Communications officer
Luisa Bertolini is a fourth year majoring in Linguistics and Cognitive Science and minoring in French. She spent ten years of her life in Senegal and Cote d'Ivoire, where she learned French. Luisa is currently the vice president of the French and Francophone Club at UVA, which organizes events centered around the cultures of different francophone countries. She hopes to get her masters in Linguistics after graduation and is interested in neurolinguistic research. Outside of class, Luisa loves to cook with her roommates, read historical fiction, and hopes to run a half marathon in the spring.
"Speaking French has given me a gateway into cultural understanding and participation in traditions that I value greatly"
French Undergraduate Advisory Council Members 2023-2024
Ryan Levy (Class 2026) is a second year who is double-majoring in Pre-Commerce and French with a minor in Data Science. Ryan participated in the UVA in Lyon program last summer and he is hoping to study abroad in France again in the Spring of his third year. In his free time, Ryan enjoys cooking, painting, and playing guitar.
French Undergraduate Advisory Council Members 2021-2022
Gabrielle Dangay (Class 2023) is a third-year double-majoring in Biostatistics and French. Gabby grew up in a French-American household and began learning French at the age of 5, so she has a long-standing appreciation for the language. She had hoped to study abroad after transferring to UVA last year, but was not able to do so this year due to the pandemic. Outside of school, Gabby enjoys baking and hiking with friends.
“Visiting family in France and having spoken the language from such a young age has really given me an appreciation for the people and the culture, and it has truly broadened my global perspective.”
Garrett Reich (Class 2022) is a fourth-year who is double-majoring in economics and French while minoring in computer science. Garrett participated in a French exchange program in high school, and he instantly fell in love with the French language and culture. He was hoping to study abroad this year at UVA, but COVID-19 has made that impossible. In his free time, Garrett enjoys getting outside and playing soccer or tennis.
“Being able to speak French is something I will cherish my entire life. Not only is speaking another language an invaluable skill, but it also allows you to understand and be a part of a completely different culture, which I have found to be an incredible learning experience”
Anne Williams
Former Advisory Council Members
French Undergraduate Advisory Council Members 2020-2021
Claire Koeppen (Class 2021) is a fourth-year double major in French and English. She studied abroad in Lyon, France for two semesters during the 2019-2020 school year. Following her graduation, she hopes to teach English abroad in a Francophone country. In her free time, Claire enjoys reading in both English and French and running. She is an active member of UVa’s Bhakti Yoga Club and International Buddy Program.
“Spending an entire school year studying in Lyon really allowed me to immerse myself in the French language and culture, and I came back so much more mature and confident in my French abilities. I cannot recommend studying abroad highly enough!”
Garrett Reich (Class 2022)
French Undergraduate Advisory Council Members 2019-2020
Sara Garcia (Class 2020) is a fourth year majoring in French and Sociology. She studied abroad in Aix-en-Provence, France during the fall semester of 2018. She also spent a month living and studying in Toulouse, France during the summer of 2018. Outside of school, Sara spends her time coordinating and volunteering for programs that teach English and provide support to the Hispanic community of Charlottesville.
“Studying the French language has opened up so many opportunities for me. I feel very fortunate to be able to study something that is so meaningful to me, and I hope to encourage others to do the same!”
Grant Tabler(class of 2020) is a fourth year majoring in Sociology and Government with a minor in French. He began studying French at the age of 5 and has been in love with the language ever since. He will be studying abroad in Lyon during the Spring 2019 term. While in Lyon, he will also be conducting a research study on elite culture and masculinity. He hopes to participate in the TAPIF program after graduation.
“Speaking French has opened up a whole new world of cultural understanding for me! It allows me to communicate with groups of people from all around the world and create memorable cultural exchanges.”
French Undergraduate Advisory Council Members 2018-2019
Caroline Chamberlain
Michael Clark
Katie Poore (Class of 2019) is a fourth-year double majoring in French and English. She has been studying French since her freshman year of high school and hopes to put it into practice after graduation by teaching English abroad. Katie is also a musician and plays violin in Radio Music Society and loves teaching English as a Second Language with a volunteer program at U.Va. In her free time, Katie loves hiking, backpacking, playing music, trying to learn banjo, and creative writing!
French Undergraduate Advisory Council Member 2018
Devan Keesling is a third-year, majoring in religious studies and foreign affairs with a minor in French. She studied abroad in Morocco in the summer of 2017, and studied in Paris for the following fall semester; she's studied the French language for 10 years, and has been a Francophile since childhood. When she's not studying, she interns at the International Studies Office and participates in the Religion, Politics, and Conflict Research Initiative. In her free time, Devan enjoys photography and binge-watching Shameless and American Horror Story.
French Undergraduate Advisory Council Members 2017-2018
Sarah Rupert (class of 2018) majors in International Relations and French, currently living in the Maison Française.
"I lived in Côte d'Ivoire when I was little, and I hope to work in a francophone country after I graduate."
French Undergraduate Advisory Council Members - 2016-2017
Sofia Dimick(Class of 2017) double majored in French and Global Development Studies. She participated in the Morocco summer program with Professor Bargach in the summer of 2016.
"I’ve been interested in the French language and French and Francophone culture since a very young age. Becoming a French major has only helped my interest to keep growing as I’ve had the chance to study abroad and really develop a skill in the language!"
Natalie Lohr (Class of 2017) majored in French and Government with a minor in Russian Language. She participated in the Lyon Summer Program with Professor Horne, in the Summer 2015.
"Foreign languages have always been fascinating to me and are extremely important to my academic life-- I now have nearly 9 years of French and 6 years of Russian under my belt. My study and engagement with the French language has enriched me so much, from my politics and history courses here at UVA to being able to communicate with different people all over--and I certainly hope that in the following years it is as big a part in my life as it is now!"