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Song Huang

Doctoral Student

I am a first-year PhD candidate at the University of Virginia, having earned both my BA in Applied Literature and MA in Comparative Literature from Sorbonne University. My two MA theses, "The Representation of Bodies in Literature and Films about the Years of AIDS" and "The Representation of Bodies in Contemporary Chinese and French Erotic Literature and Photography," delve into issues surrounding body, gender, and sexuality from a comparative and transmedial standpoint. Additionally, I have presented papers on gender studies and theater studies at a number of conventions and workshops in France.

My research interests for my PhD studies encompass the interdisciplinary intersection of literature and dance, orientalism in 19th-century art and literature, and Francophonie in Asia.


Point cardinal et Les Danseurs de l’aube, le corps hybride objet de rébellion” (“Point cardinal” and “les Danseurs de l’aube”, hybride body as rebellion object) at the Workshop of Festival Transversales 2021 “Trans’en Danse”, organized by l’Université Rennes II on November 25, 2021.

“La contorsion, loisir populaire et outil de bien-être, la réinvention d’une discipline par les réseaux sociaux” (Contorsion as popular entertainment and wellness tool, reinvention of a new discipline by social media) at the convention of “Quand le cirque se raconte : paroles et voix plurielles du cirque. Mémoires, histoires, archives” (When Circus Tells its Story : Words and Plurial Voices of Circus: Memories, Stories, Archives) organized by l’UMR Litt&Arts - Université Grenobles Alpes and ICiMA National Center of Circus Art, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, on Febuary 7 and 8, 2022.

“Le maquillage “exotique” sur la scène de Kà, une évolution du spectacle “orientaliste” d’aujourd’hui” (the “exotic” makeup on the stage of “Kà”, an evolution of “orientalist” performance of today’s world) at the workshop of “Les rôles du maquillage sur la scène contemporaine” (The Roles of Make Up on Contemporary Stage) at l’Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier, on March 11 2022.

“L’environementalisme dans le cycle de Dune, un éloge de la conquête humaine ou une recherche de rapport harmonieux entre l’homme et la nature?” (Environmentalism in the Cycle of Dune, an Ode of Human Conquer or a Research of Harmonious Relationship between Human and Nature?) at the convention “Pouvoir(s), responsabilités et cas de conscience en science-fiction” (Power(s), Responsabilities and Case of Consciousness in Science-Fiction), 10th Stelle Incognita Convention at l’Université of Reims Champagne - Ardenne, April 6-7-8 2022.

“L’alliance des individus dans la série Fantasy comme représentation des groupes minoritaires : une lecture politique de Leigh Bardugo” ( Alliance of Individuals in Fantasy Series as Representation of Excluded Groups : a Political Reading of Leigh Bardugo) at Virtual Convention “Alliances et communautés en Fantasy et science-fiction” ( Alliances and communities in Fantasy and science-fiction) organized by UQAM and Université d’Artois, May 2-4.

The Left Hand of Darkness et Ancilliary Justice : l’utopie féministe comme lieu de rebellion politique” (“The Left Hand of Darkness” and “Ancilliary Justice” : feminist utopia as place of politic rebellion) at workshop “Présent(s) de la science-fictions, évolution et diversification du genre à l’époque contemporaine” (Present (s) of Science-Fictions, Evolution and Diversification of Gender in Contemporary Period) at Aix-Marseille Université, May 19 and 20, 2022.

“Les relectures de Mats Ek : démystifications de “la femme” comme lieu de rebellion politique” (The re-readings of Mats Ek : demystifications of “the woman”) at the workshop “Esthétique et politique des figures “féminines” dans les reprises chorégraphiques : des (ré) activations féministes?” (Aesthetic and Politic of “Feminine” Figures In Choreography Revivals : Feminist Re-Activations?) organized by LLA-CREATIS at l’Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, May 20, 2022.

“La mise en geste de musique et de texte dans le patinage artistique : la quête d’équilibre entre art et capacités corporelles” (the Embodiement of Music and Text in Figure Skating : the Research of Balance Between Art and Corporal Capacity) at the international workshop “Rythme, corps, narration : études croisées en littérature, danse et musique” (Rythme, Body, Narration : Cross-Studies in literature, Dance and Music) co-organised by Universität Augsbourg, Université Côte d’Azur, and Universität Hamburg at Universität Augsburg, July 6-8, 2022.

Teaching experience

Sarah Lawrence college                                                                                                                  

Teaching Assistant, French Department

French Intermediate I for undergraduate students

French Intermediate II for undergraduate students

Organizing “French Movie Night”, “French Speaking Lunch Table” and other related activities



Taught Chinese students enrolled in international schools who demonstrated a keen interest in pursuing higher education in the United Kingdom or the United States

Commonly instructed subjects encompassed AP French, AP English Literature and Composition, AP English Language and Composition, TOEFL Speaking, TOEFL Reading, and TOEFL Listening

Revised documents and educational materials to facilitate students' comprehension of advanced English and French grammar and vocabulary