Cheryl Krueger
Office Address
New Cabell Hall, Rm. 365
Spring 2025 Office Hours:
Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:00 - 3:00PM (NCH 365)
Contact me (clk6m) to set up an appointment outside of office hours in person or via Zoom.
Cheryl Krueger specializes in nineteenth-century French literature and culture. Her publications include articles on poetry, cinema, and adaptation; on the intersecting history of French perfume, medical writing, and fiction; and on theories and methods of language teaching. She is particularly interested in how language, film, literature, and culture interact and inform one-another. Her first book, The Art of Procrastination: Baudelaire’s Poetry in Prose (University of Delaware Press, 2007) explores how Baudelaire's prose poems tell (human/modern/literary) time, and how time and narrative tell the story of the experimental poème en prose genre and its poetics. She later edited the volume Approaches to Teaching Baudelaire’s Prose Poems (MLA Approaches to Teaching World Literature Series, 2017), where her article on flânerie shows twenty-first century digital rovers and nineteenth-century urban strollers crossing paths in the classroom and beyond. Professor Krueger has co-authored several books related to language learning through the discovery of literature, film, visual arts, and culture, including Mise en scène: Cinéma et Lecture (Pearson, 2006), Tâches d’encre (Cengage, 2017), and Perspectives on Teaching Language and Content (Yale UP, 2020). Her latest book, Perfume on the Page in Nineteenth-Century France (University of Toronto Press, 2023) examines a convergence of literature, medical writing, fashion, and social practices during the rise of modern French perfume culture. Her current research focuses on how artists and writers interacted with hypnotists, mediums, past-life regression, and spirit photography in fin-de-siècle France.
As a specialist in nineteenth-century studies who also worked many years as Language Program Director, Professor Krueger has always devoted much of her career to mentorship in teaching and research. She has directed graduate and undergraduate research on flânerie, women readers, women's fashion magazines, fiction, poetry, cinema, biography, and autobiography. Dedicated to helping students find their voices as writers and thinkers, Professor Krueger regularly designs new courses inspired by discussions with her students. She encourages students to nurture their individual talents through creative and multimedia projects that relate course material to interests outside the classroom. She has incorporated a great deal of technology in teaching, particularly in Hitchcock, Truffaut, and the French New Wave and Introduction to French CInema, which culminate in individual short film projects. Yet recently she has been drawn to “slow education,” allowing more time to engage with course materials in depth and making room for hand-written journals in courses that earn unofficial titles like “Slow Bovary.” As Director of the Undergraduate Program, she was able to consult with students reguarly to get their input on course offerings, events, and initiatives. She worked with undergraduate representatives to launch the department's first a peer-tutoring program and invited alumni speakers to network and discuss how French studies shaped their career paths.
Professor Krueger has also served as Director of Graduate Studies and Department Chair. Beyond UVA, she has held elected positions as AAUSC French section head and a member of the MLA Executive Committee Nineteenth-Century French Literature Division. She was Editor of the UK-based journal Dix-Neuf, where she is now a member of the Editorial Board. She explores her interests in olfaction, perfume, and miasmas as a research associate for l’Osmothèque, conservatoire des parfums and a member of the Odeuropa PastScent network.
Research Interests
Nineteenth-Century French literature and culture; the senses; olfaction; perfume and miasma; medical discourse and narrative fiction; material cutlure and literary production; French cinema and adaptation
Representative Publications
Perfume on the Page in Nineteenth-Century France (University of Toronto Press, 2023)
Perspectives on Teaching Language and Content Bourns, Stacey Katz, Cheryl Krueger, and Nicole Mills (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2020)
The Art of Procrastination: Baudelaire's Poetry in Prose (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2007)
Edited Volumes
To the Passersby: Before and After Baudelaire. Special two-volume issue of DIx-Neuf co-edited with Masha Belenky and Rachel Mesch. Forthcoming.
Approaches to Teaching Baudelaire’s Prose Poems (New York: MLA, 2017)
Tâches d’Encre: Cours de composition Editions 1 (1996), 2 (2003), 3 (2011), 4, (2016), Siskin, Krueger and Fauvel (Boston: Cengage, 2017); Edition 5 (Krueger and Fauvel, 2023).
Mise en scène: Cinéma et lecture Cheryl Krueger, Elizabeth Dolly Weber and Brigitte G. Martin (Prentice Hall, 2006)
Entretiens, Course de Conversation, H. Jay Siskin and Cheryl Krueger, editions 1 and 2 (Cengage, 2000)
Articles and Book Chapters.
"Muse, Medium, Hypnogirl, Passerby: How Mademoiselle Lina's Evanescence Made Albert de Rochas Famous." Forthcoming.
"Blood Sausage and Violet Perfume: Food Work, Domestic Service, and the Production of a Fragrant Grotesque." Forthcoming.
"Le Langage des parfumeurs en France au dix-neuvième siècle." Forthcoming.
"Under Pressure: Flaubert’s Human Barometers." Dix-Neuf, (January 2024): 1-18. DOI: 10.1080/14787318.2023.2291593.
“Lettres parfumées, correspondances fatales.” Littérature. Special issue: Sociabilités du parfum : XVIIIe-XIXe siècles. 185.1 (2017): 39-54.
"Le Spleen de Paris and the Cyberflâneur." In Approaches to Teaching Baudelaire's Prose Poems. New York: MLA (2017): 176-184.
"Decadent Perfume: Under the Skin and Through the Page." Modern Languages Open. 28 October 2014. Web. 33p.
“The Scent Trail of ‘Une Charogne.’” French Forum 38.1-2 (2013): 51-68
“Flâneur Smellscapes in Le Spleen de Paris." Dix-neuf 16.2 (2012): 181-92.
"Princesse Tam-Tam: A Cultural Makeover Story." French/Francophone Culture and Literature through Film. Eds. Catherine R. Monfort and Michèle Bissière. Women in French Studies (January 2006): 182-202.
"Being Madame Bovary." Literature/Film Quarterly 31.3 (2003):162-168.
“Surgical Imprecision and the Baudelairean poème en prose.” French Forum 27.3 (2002): 55-72.
"Baudelaire's Graphic Details." Romance Notes, 42.2 (2002): 223-234.
“Telling Stories in Baudelaire’s Le Spleen de Paris.” Nineteenth-Century French Studies, 30.3-4 (2002): 281-299.
"Form, Content and Critical Distance." Foreign Language Annals 34.1 ( 2001): 18-27.
Book Reviews
Holly Grout, The Force of Beauty: Transforming French Ideas of Beauty in the Third Republic (Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 2015). Reviewed in French Studies 70.3 (2016): 455-456.
Ross Chambers, An Atmospherics of the City: Baudelaire and the Poetics of Noise (New York: Fordham, 2015). Reviewed in NCFS 44.1-2 (2015): 2p.
Griffiths, Kate and Andrew Watts, Adapting Nineteenth-Century France: Literature in Film. Theater, Television, Radio and Print (Chicago: Chicago UP, 2015). Reviewed in French Review 88.4 (2015): 270.
Alice Kaplan, Dreaming in French (Chicago: UC Press, 2012). Reviewed in French Studies 67.2 (2013): 280.
David H. Walker, Consumer Chronicles (Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2011). Reviewed in H-France 12.18 (February 2012): 3 p.
IAU Residential Fellowship Summer 2023
Buckner W. Clay Endowment Award for the 43rd Annual Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium 2017 (with Professor Claire Lyu)
Florence Gould Foundation Grant for the 43rd Annual Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium 2017 (with Professor Claire Lyu)
Camargo Foundation Residential Fellowship 2015: Support for her book in progress on perfume culture and 19th-century French literature.
2014 INCS Essay Prize Honorable Mention (second-place ranking) for "Decadent Perfume: Under the Skin and Through the Page." The award recognizes excellence in interdisciplinary scholarship in published articles that make a significant contribution to the field of nineteenth-century studies.
Summer Research Grant, University of Virginia (2011, 2013)
University of Virginia Arts and Sciences VPR Research Support (2010, 2013)
Teaching and Technology Initiative Fellowship: The Language of Cinema: An Interactive Student Project Archive (2005)
All-University Outstanding Teaching Award (2000-2001)
Camargo Foundation Fellowship (1997)
Administrative Positions
Director of Undergraduate Program (2016-2020)
Chair, Department of French Language and Literature (August 2009-August 2011)
Language Program Director (1992-2008)
Director of Graduate Studies
French Project Director (Center for the Liberal Arts).
Summer Language Institute Director
Elected Positions and Appointments Outside UVA
Editorial Board Dix-Neuf ((2021-present)
Co-Editor of Dix-neuf (January 2014-2018)
MLA Executive Committee, Nineteenth-Century French Literature Division (2014-2017)
French Section Head, AAUSC (2000-2002)
Related Activity
Rencontre avec Cheryl Krueger pour Perfume on the Page in Nineteenth-Century France Book Talk for "Actualité de la recherche," l'Université d'Orléans, December 2024.
Speaker and selection committee member for the international conference Le Parfumeur: Evolution d'une figure depuis la Renaissance , held at the Château de Versailles in 2021.
Co-editor of Bric-a-brac-o-mania [this site is being moved to another platform]
High on Fragrance: The Nineteenth-Century perfume Launcher." Wonders and Marvels. 5 August 2015.
Book Reviews for Now Smell This (2010-2011).
Representative Courses
Adaptation: Text and Film
The Art of Walking
Beast and Beauties
Cultural Currents and Aesthetic Movements
Le Fantastique
Finding Your Voice in French
The Flâneur (seminar for majors)
The French Novel on Film
The French Speaking World III: Modernities
Hitchcock, Truffaut, and the French New Wave
Introduction to French Cinema
Poetic Revolutions
Science Fiction in French (coming soon)
Summer Language Institute
Text, Image, Culture
Baudelaire Seminar
The Flâneur and Other Urban Legends
Girls of the Nineteenth Century
Reading with Emma Bovary
The Smelly Nineteenth Century
Theories and Methods of Language Teaching
Topics in Nineteenth-Century French Literature